Hi! I'm Sebastian. 👋

I'm a developer based in Pōneke, Aotearoa (Wellington, New Zealand).


Going Through It?

A React SPA for users to locate nearby mental health resources utilising the Google Places API. I designed and researched this project, and built the first prototype in collaboration with Tashina Jacobs and Daniel Rhodes. I rebuilt it using functional components, then added a Node.js back end to call the Google Places API in order to avoid exposing the API key on the front end.


A fun little app utilising the Fetch, Dog, and Wikipedia APIs. Click the button to get a random dog image, and you will receive a snippet of information about the breed. Originally built entirely in vanilla JS, then rebuilt using React and Redux. Error handling proved a challenge as certain breeds return garbage output from Wikipedia.

About me

I'm a web and software developer with a strong understanding of UX principles. I believe in approaching problems with empathy and resilience. I've worked in both freelance and enterprise contexts.

If I'm not building something, you can find me drawing, playing various instruments, or hanging out with animals.

Got a project? Drop me a line at sebastian[at]sebastianmaddox[dot]com, or contact me on LinkedIn.